
Emoji and Unicode information

This project is maintained by Crissov

Facial Emojis

These emojis have FACE in their Unicode name or are otherwise basically required to be displayed primarily as a face or head.

U+2639 white_frowning_face
U+263A white_smiling_face
U+1F31A new_moon_with_face
U+1F31B first_quarter_moon_with_face
U+1F31C last_quarter_moon_with_face
U+1F31D full_moon_with_face
U+1F31E sun_with_face
U+1F32C wind_blowing_face
U+1F432 dragon_face
U+1F435 monkey_face
U+1F43C panda_face
U+1F464 bust_in_silhouette
U+1F465 busts_in_silhouette
U+1F466 boy
U+1F467 girl
U+1F468 man
U+1F469 woman
U+1F46E cop
U+1F46F dancers
U+1F470 bride_with_veil
U+1F471 person_with_blond_hair
U+1F472 man_with_gua_pi_mao
U+1F473 man_with_turban
U+1F474 older_man
U+1F475 older_woman
U+1F476 baby
U+1F477 construction_worker
U+1F478 princess
U+1F479 japanese_ogre
U+1F47A japanese_goblin
U+1F47B ghost
U+1F47C angel
U+1F47D alien
U+1F47E space_invader
U+1F47F imp
U+1F480 skull
U+1F481 information_desk_person
U+1F482 guardsman
U+1F483 dancer
U+1F486 massage
U+1F487 haircut
U+1F4A9 hankey/poop/shit
U+1F600 grinning
U+1F601 grin
U+1F602 joy
U+1F603 smiley
U+1F604 smile
U+1F605 sweat_smile
U+1F606 laughing/satisfied
U+1F607 innocent
U+1F608 smiling_imp
U+1F609 wink
U+1F60A blush
U+1F60B yum
U+1F60C relieved
U+1F60D heart_eyes
U+1F60E sunglasses
U+1F60F smirk
U+1F610 neutral_face
U+1F611 expressionless
U+1F612 unamused
U+1F613 sweat
U+1F614 pensive
U+1F615 confused
U+1F616 confounded
U+1F617 kissing
U+1F618 kissing_heart
U+1F619 kissing_smiling_eyes
U+1F61A kissing_closed_eyes
U+1F61B stuck_out_tongue
U+1F61C stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye
U+1F61D stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes
U+1F61E disappointed
U+1F61F worried
U+1F620 angry
U+1F621 rage
U+1F622 cry
U+1F623 persevere
U+1F624 triumph
U+1F625 disappointed_relieved
U+1F626 frowning
U+1F627 anguished
U+1F628 fearful
U+1F629 weary
U+1F62A sleepy
U+1F62B tired_face
U+1F62C grimacing
U+1F62D sob
U+1F62E open_mouth
U+1F62F hushed
U+1F630 cold_sweat
U+1F631 scream
U+1F632 astonished
U+1F633 flushed
U+1F634 sleeping
U+1F635 dizzy_face
U+1F636 no_mouth
U+1F637 mask
U+1F638 smile_cat
U+1F639 joy_cat
U+1F63A smiley_cat
U+1F63B heart_eyes_cat
U+1F63C smirk_cat
U+1F63D kissing_cat
U+1F63E pouting_cat
U+1F63F crying_cat_face
U+1F640 scream_cat
U+1F641 slightly_frowning_face
U+1F642 slightly_smiling_face
U+1F643 upside_down_face
U+1F644 face_with_rolling_eyes
U+1F645 no_good
U+1F646 ok_woman
U+1F647 bow
U+1F648 see_no_evil
U+1F649 hear_no_evil
U+1F64A speak_no_evil
U+1F64B raising_hand
U+1F64C raised_hands
U+1F64D person_frowning
U+1F64E person_with_pouting_face
U+1F64F pray
U+1F910 zipper_mouth_face
U+1F911 money_mouth_face
U+1F912 face_with_thermometer
U+1F913 nerd_face
U+1F914 thinking_face
U+1F915 face_with_head_bandage
U+1F916 robot_face
U+1F917 hugging_face
U+1F981 lion_face
U+1F984 unicorn_face

Additional Face Emojis

Some vendors also display various animal emojis as head-only.

U+1F42A Dromedary Camel
U+1F428 Koala
U+1F417 Boar
U+1F427 Penguin
U+1F426 Bird
U+1F424 Baby Chick
U+1F414 Chicken
U+1F98D Gorilla
U+1F98C Deer
U+1F98F Rhinoceros
U+1F985 Eagle
U+1F40F Ram
U+1F411 Sheep
U+1F410 Goat
U+1F418 Elephant
U+1F992 Giraffe
U+1F993 Zebra
U+1F994 Hedgehog
U+1F995 Sauropod
U+1F996 T-Rex